
Chalkboard Family Message area- DIY Project 18

Nate & I live a very busy life- in between both of us teaching; Nate is a head coach, avid golfer, social butterfly, and sports addict.. I on the other hand am teaching full time, Newspaper Editor at School, in a fulltime Masters Program while juggling a clean house among other wifey duties, DIY Project Addict, and balancing my social life. Needless to say we tried to balance our schedules using appts on our iphones, but it wasn't working and we both would get frustrated when there were conflicts of schedules (Ugh I already told you about this- duh? moment happening alot).  Nate continually forgot to add them to the appt. He keep saying let's just get a traditional calendar and hang it up. Well one I am not a traditional girl, two a calendar each year is killing a ton of trees and I think paper calendars are so 1982.  I loved Pottery Barn's Memo center for the family ..

But each board such as the calendar, chalkboard, and memo board ranged from 40-50 bucks each plus the hanging system is not included. I didn't want to spend  over $100 bucks on a  memo center. Also the way they hang is too industrial for my tastes. I loved Ballard's memo boards too but pricy also. I searched on etsy and found an idea to DIY myself. It took wall decal of the calendar and applied it to the chalkboard so you can use it month after month and no killing trees. So without further waiting here is what my board looks like:

Here it is hung up with our dates and activities for April. I color coded it so we knew who was doing what and on what day- Nate is written in Blue, Tricia is written in Pink and both of us is written in orange. Makes it easier to put activities up!
The hallway is from the kitchen to the 1/2 bath and the garage. It is a long narrow hallway so I didn't just want a calendar there. So I added an E for Embley and a sign about families! This pics is taken down the hallway from the kitchen (that door open is the bathroom).

Here is a close up of the signs nect to the chalkboard:

Lastly, here is a pic taken from the garage angle:

Oh and that dead looking yellow thing in the middle of the floor is the dog's toy..lol. Hey we live here it isn't perfect!! Hope you enjoyed my latest project. My cousin says the chalkboard is very teacher of us to have in our kitchen. I love chalkboards (even before teaching and actual I have a dry erase board at school). I want to add a memo board (think push board) with decorative trim like the chalkboard but I haven't found a contender yet. This way we can post notes to each other, display photos, important papers.. eventually kids art and of course the ole chore list ;)

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