

Well since I was last posted I have officially graduated with my Masters in Education. It was so worth the hard work.. I am so happy to be done with my certification and masters. In addition to my masters I am now standard license for teaching grades 4-8 in the state of Texas and I was hired to teach Language Arts and Social Studies at the school I went to as a child. Because my undergrad wasn't in education I had to go thru a program to be certified and it was stressful teaching, doing my masters and certification. It's a huge blessing that I finished all successfully!

I am beyond words excited about my new opportunity. I will be teaching 4th grade language/social studies and I will have a partner teacher I switch with. After working at my previous school (small private school as only 5th grade teacher) you can imagine the excitement to be teaching in a district with ample resources. In addition I will only teach two subjects versus all as my old position. I am so stoked about having a team to plan with. I also will have benefits of insurance and retirement which is a huge plus for our family financially. Overall it's a win win!!! Not to brag ;)!

I feel incredibly blessed with this opportunity! I am so excited and anxious to get in there and get started. But I have other things to share also! After school released we took a cruise to celebrate and than headed to Illinois for our annual trip home. I'll post pics soon!

As always we thank the lord for this beautiful life we live in because we couldn't have planned it any better!

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