
Piper's Birth Story

Friday the day I turned 30 weeks I started having a tissue spotting that was slightly pink. I had been contracting on and off but they weren't too concerned. They said the tissue matter was minimal and was my cervix possibly changing. I also started walking to the nurses station since I the plan was to go home in a week or so. They wanted me to test the waters in the hospital. I walked once a day. We thought hey it's fine my cervix was the longest they ever measured.. 

For two days straight Sunday and Monday I would contract for hours. They checked me once and my cervix had not dilated. We thought ok we can make it to 32 weeks. Tuesday at 1 am I awoke to go to the restroom and I had blood.. In addition to the blood I had the most clear mucus I've ever seen. Which I had been slowly noticing since Friday, but when mentioned they said it was possibly my mucus plug due to the tissue matter too. But I knew something was definitely wrong, I yelled for Nate to get the nurse right away. Ive never seen Nate spring up so fast from a deep sleep. My nurse Jenny who we loved came rushing in. They called the dr on staff but they didn't want to check my cervix. I bleed till 6 am when the UT specialist came in. I told them what was happening. One resident thought it might be placenta aburbtion, slowly tearing away from the wall. The dr wasn't concerned he thought it was just my cervix changing. Nate actually thought about going into work but I was freaked out. They ordered a biophysical ultrasound. As the ultrasound tech was looking she was assuring me baby is ok and placenta is not tearing.  But I requested they check my fluid. Sure enough I saw the fluid was low. As soon as we got out of ultrasound, we roll past Sandra's office and I tell her that my fluid is low. She said  "ok honey we will do the amnio test." She rushed to get the test. Tested me and sure enough I was leaking and ruptured. I was ok till Sandra left the room. My mom had drove down and arrived at like 5 am. She could tell I was about to break down. Some woman can hang on ruptured but I was having intense back contractions (active labor) plus bleeding. The contraction device toco wasnt picking up my contractions due to the fact that they were in my back. So the staff thought she will hang on. I knew we weren't going to hang on. I cried.. I keep saying I wasn't ready yet.. We needed more time. I finally got it togeather and the nurse came in to tell me they were moving me to labor. They weren't going to except that my mom insisted to Sandra that she had no contractions that they could pick up on her just back labor and that I was born in 45 mins. If my mom wouldn't have insisted that my labor was replicating hers who knows what could have happened. She also insisted they start my IV fluids for antibiotics and mag for brain protection for Piper. 

Before they moved me they checked my cervix once they knew I was ruptured. I was 3 cm dilated at 12:30 pm. Once moved into the labor room, I just kept having back contractions about 5 mins apart. Dr Gei came by and said he thought I could hang on a little longer. My nurse insisted I wear these hideous huge panties and a huge pad.. I literally couldn't stop laughing at it. But soon after my whole bag of water broke and the room suddenly got chaotic. I started crying and yelled Dr Gei lied. Dr Gei was already back in Bellaire and wasn't going to make it. When they checked after my water broke, I was totally effaced and dilated and Piper was in the birth canal. They prepped the room for delivery. It was tense because I was in such denial she was coming. I just made my mom and Nate repeat natural labor, no drugs, csection only if its an emergency. I got my wish for natural labor.. But at one point I wasn't sure I could do it any more. My mom had one leg and nurse Jessica held my other leg. Nate was by my head coaching and trying not to stress too much. 

But after being told for two months never to bear down or push it was intense to push using muscles I forgot I had. One of the residents who thought I might have abruption, wasn't pleased the way my labor was progressing even though I was moving fast and was being so rough. I think if he had stayed he would have fore me. He also told Nate that there were too many cooks in the kitchen and to be quiet. 

Luckily he left the room shortly, Dr Barren and Dr Burg both female docs were gentle yet reaffirming in my ability to go natural with no meds.  They didn't have a time table they just coached me thru pushing. After 20 mins of pushing with contractions 4 mins apart, they gave me pitocin. Because the contractions were so far away Piper wasn't moving down the birth canal. Once the pitocin took effect they were the same intensity yet closer togeather. Piper was born 25 mins later. Once her head was out they said stop pushing. They slowly eased her out and Nate cut the cord. 

Once the cord was cut she was taken to a room right off of ours that I could see and the neonatal team started on her. Her apgar at one minute was 6 and at 5 mins she was an 8 (10 is perfect and many full term babies don't receive that). 

She was put on CPAP to help her lungs fill and taken off to NICU. We had to wait an hour to meet our little girl! 

Next couple pics are from her birthday. 

Piper Makenzie Embley
Born 5/21/13 at 30 weeks 3 days
Weighing at 3lbs 4 oz and 14.9 inches long. 

We are so incredibly blessed.. Please pray she grows and is healthy enough to come home soon. 

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